NameIhsan Ali

I started questioning my Islamic faith 7 years ago, but retreated more strongly into Islam instead of following my curiosity.

Ionly fully admitted my lack of belief to myself about a year ago. Since then, I've been working through issues around identity and fear of eternal punishment, and going back to first principles on issues such as morality and personal values. It's been a real struggle for me personally.

I am not in danger of violence or ostracism from my immediate family, as my siblings are now non-muslims and my parents have become much more moderate as I've gotten older. Still, the cause of the ex-muslims who do face such issues is very close to my heart.

I'd love to join CEMB in solidarity with my fellow ex-muslims, to meet and discuss with people of similar and different backgrounds, and be part of an organisation that recognises the innate dignity of all humans and works towards providing a way forward for future apostates.

Thank you for reading this 🙂