
I am an agnostic, all my life I believed on a religion which is based on lies. Because the concept of God/Allah is not new in fact Islam is a re enactment of ancient religion of Quraish (the clan of the prophet) who believed on moon god Hubull. The god was represented by a pentacle and half moon. Present day Islam is a re-enactment of the same religion. In fact we as Muslims are actually following idiotic Arabic customs. We are told 7th century mythology in 21st century e.g. there are seven heavens, angels and Armageddon etc. I want to join the organisation to meet like minded people, because I cannot express myself in Bradford a place full of conservatives and idiots. Infact the most Islam inhibits you from integration into the community. By saying Koran has got every thing and we do not need to read any book is the single most idiotic argument given by people. I am also afraid because if you start expressing yourself then people start to give you titles as an apostate or a renegade. It is quite easy to commit a so called blasphemy. I believe that if one can criticise politicians then one has got the right to be critical of religion or religious figures. I know it is a risky route to take but my conscience do not allow me to believe on all this idiotic ideas.