July 3, 2008
Faith schools and a free society Yasmin Alibhai-Brown (30 June) is right that religion should not be allowed to make ghettos. Cristina Odone’s report on faith schools, published by the Centre for Policy Studies, misses the point. The point of is not that faith schools have discriminatory admission codes and employment practices, cream-skim pupils, or turn away children in care, although they do. Rather, what makes faith schools fundamentally bad for children is that they are more concerned with the inclusion of religion – the religion of the child’s parents – than the inclusion, wellbeing and educational needs of the...
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April 18, 2008
[wpaudio: url="/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/Boras-sweden-M-Namazi-April-2008.mp3" text="Maryam Namazie on Islam and Political Islam"]
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April 16, 2008
“Hon ger en röst åt röstlösa kvinnor” Borås 2008-04-15 | Uppdaterad 2008-04-15 – Alla religioner är besatta av att kontrollera kvinnor, sex och sexualitet – Orsaken till att jag tycker att isalm är värre än andra är att det i många länder sker övergrepp i islams namn och med statens tillåtelse. Det säger Maryam Namazie som på tisdagskvällen föreläste på kulturhuset i Borås. Maryam har vigt större delen av sitt liv åt att kämpa för mänskliga rättigheter och framförallt mot förtryck av kvinnor. Något som enligt henne sker i stort sett överallt i världen, men värst är det de muslimska...
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March 11, 2008
Maryam Namazie, head of the Council of Ex-Muslims in Britain, says that rights are for individuals, not religions or beliefs Juliet Rix March 12 2008, 12:00am Picture this, says Maryam Namazie: “A child is swathed in cloth from head to toe every day. Everything but her face and hands are covered for fear that a man might find her attractive. At school she learns that she is worth less than a boy. She is not allowed to dance or swim or feel the sun on her skin or the wind in her hair. This is clearly unacceptable, yet it is...
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February 8, 2008
Losing my religion When religion means death Children and emotional abuse The necessity of criticism Losing my religion, 04 February 2008 I find it slightly odd writing for a faith blog, when I don’t have any. It’s like writing for an Automobile Association blog when I take the bus. But I do understand why it is so. In this day and age everything is framed within the context of ‘faith’, especially for those of us deemed to be Muslims – no matter how clearly and loudly we profess and live otherwise. I think this is in large part due to...
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January 16, 2008

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January 11, 2008
Mina Ahadi and Maryam Namazie – leading lights in the ex-Muslim movement – have been voted among the top 45 women of year by Elle magazine in Quebec. Both Mina and Maryam have been winners of the National Secular Society’s Secularist of the Year award and Maryam is an honorary associate of the Society. NSS President Terry Sanderson, said: “As far as we’re concerned, Mina and Maryam are our women of the year this year and every year. Congratulations to them both.” Meanwhile, another courageous honorary associate, Taslima Nasrin, is still under cruel pressure in India from Muslims and now...
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January 6, 2008

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December 9, 2007
When Sofia Allam left the Muslim faith for Christianity, the response from her family was one of persecution and threats. Alasdair Palmer explores the dangers facing Islam’s apostates Sofia Allam simply could not believe it. Her kind, loving father was sitting in front of her threatening to kill her. He said she had brought shame and humiliation on him, that she was now “worse than the muck on their shoes” and she deserved to die. Religious persecution of the kind Sofia suffers is increasingly common in Britain today And what had brought on his transformation? He had discovered that she...
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October 31, 2007
With Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens launching an intellectual assault on religion, Mike Cotgreave looks at the options open to those who no longer believe. Religion has been an increasingly hot topic of debate recently but rarely, it seems, has there been such a sustained attack on God and the various belief systems that venerate him. If best-seller lists are anything to go by, atheism is in the ascendancy and following close behind are the bull-horns of a new Enlightenment that all are being encouraged to grasp. In the vanguard of this movement are four writers who have taken it...
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