On 25th April 2020 at 6:00pm (BST) Fay Rahman is livestreaming a Pre-Iftaar Mukbang: a fast-defying feast in conjunction with Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain (CEMB). The feast is in solidarity with those who are…
Thousands were released in Iran, but not atheist prisoner Soheil Arabi, New Humanist, 16 April 2020
A three-hour online protest took place on 4 April reaching out to thousands on social media to highlight the urgent plight of Soheil Arabi in prison in Iran since 2013. Arabi was initially sentenced to…
Join Urgent Online Solidarity Protest to Save Soheil Arabi’s Life Via Livestream on Youtube 14 April 2020 3:00-6:00pm London time/6:30-9:30pm Tehran time Iranian atheist, activist and blogger Soheil Arabi has resumed his hunger strike on April…
Hi! I hope you are doing well and staying safe during these terrible times. Please be advised that much of CEMB’s meetings and support group sessions will now be online until further notice. You can…