Muslims in Europe who renounce their faith band together AMSTERDAM – EHSAN Jami knew he was making himself a target for radical Islamists when he decided to launch a Dutch organisation for Muslims who renounce…
Category: Media Coverage
Dutch politician sets up Committee for ex-Muslims by our correspondent in The Hague John Tyler 11-09-2007 Young Dutch Labour politician Ehsan Jami has established a Committee of ex-Muslims in the Netherlands to support those who…
„Það er greinilegt að hér hefur lítið verið rætt um íslam. Úr því þarf að bæta. Íslendingar sem og aðrir eiga ekki á láta fæla sig frá heilbrigðri gagnrýni af ótta við að vera úthrópaðir…
Overplaying the Race Card By Christopher Orlet Published 9/4/2007 12:07:10 AM Best to get this out of the way from the start: Islam is a religion and a religious ideology, not a race, therefore the…