NameRabbeka Jagot

I an an ex muslim who thanks to my current partner, was able to pick up the courage and voice my views. However, since my coming out about.being an athiest, i have recieved criticism from nearly every muslim i know. My mum, 3 younger brothers, a few cousins and one my mum's sisters' are completely fine with me and understand that religion is a personal choice. However, the rest of the family have "disowned" me. I'm not allowed to step foot in my grandparents' house and i've been called "evil" because of my views. It's been about a year now, and family members are still just as cold towards me as they were near the beginning of all this. Some family members haven't accepted the reality of things and still lecture me about praying because i've "lost my way". The last time i saw my grandmother she said "pray your kalimas and forget about everything else and all will be fine". Because i rejected to comply, she said me and her "finished", along with using my grandfathers' death (from just over 2 years ago) to manipulate me. I recieve emotional blackmail on a regular basis. I think the thing that hurt me most was "we are ashamed of you". I hate that although other members of my so called family have done humiliating things way worse than leaving the religion, i get blasted because i'm a female; it's unfair and wrong! "Family" does not judge you and kick you out of their lives because you have different beliefs... Family is supposed to be there for you no matter what and love you unconditionally, no?