NameHashin Rasta

I am a former Muslim but I still have not told my family. I would like to meet former Muslims too - but I am going to live in Crawley and I am wondering if there is a secular society or a society of former Muslims there. If so, I would like to be informed on where to go to see these people. The fact is that Crawley is a large place with many Muslims and so there must also be former Muslims. Meeting other former Muslims would be significant for me because I have not met a single former Muslim (maybe I have but they were hiding the fact too). It seems ridiculous that there are not more of us, therefore there must be people like myself who are hiding the fact. I am not a campaigning sort of person so I doubt that I would be there publicly saying things - I would rather be just part of a society which works towards the goals that you have laid out in your manifesto.