NameSyed A.A. Naqvi

I was raised in a fairly moderate, but devout, Shia Muslim family here in Sunni-majority Pakistan where people sadly look down upon minority sects and religions just because they dare to be different. I too was very devout and took my Shia beliefs very seriously until the age of 22 when religious hypocrisy, ignorance, intolerance, and a thirst for harming others in the name of Allah who dare show defiance really put me off. It all began with the ridiculous violence in the Muslim World over the Danish cartoons in 2005 and knowledge about brutalities of Iranian mullahs (whom I once loved just because they are Shia) towards their people and my intense hatred of the Saudi petro-Wahhabi Islam from day one made me have enough. I left religion and God by the time 2009 came about, and shunned religious nonsense but it was too late. After completing my uni education in UK, I had to return home because of lack of money and I really want to leave Pakistan because I hate being silent and hate being bullied by relatives who know of my Atheism & Secular Humanism. The fight continues, and I am not backing down. But I have to take flight otherwise I will remain stuck at home. It\'s about time Pakistan shunned religious degeneracy and become a tolerant, secular country just like Muhammad Ali Jinnah always desired. Hope I can leave Pakistan and find work in UK (I did both my BSc and MPhil in UK) and maybe even become a public figure for CEMB as well.