NameSundas Ahmed

Perhaps I could tell you a little bit about myself. I am an ex-Muslim atheist which has alienated me from my family for years. I always felt very alone in that regard, a little bit like the black sheep of the family.
I also never spent much time searching for others like me until I moved into my current house last October.

Since then I have found more time to focus on my own needs and started searching for others with similar views to me. I knew deep down I could not be the only one even if it did feel that way.

Immediately, Apostate Prophet popped up who just blew my mind by speaking aloud all of the things I had been thinking for years. Through him I found Armin Navabi of Atheist Republic.
I am also a fan of Harris Sultan.
It means a lot to me to see and hear others with similar views to me and helps me feel less alone. I suffered under religion as a child and teenager and the trauma has carried on through my adult life. Occasionally I feel like I need support which I can only access through others who understand my situation.

I would like to be useful in the cause of combatting the traditions which have done this to me and the doctrine that underpin them.

When researching, most of the ex- Muslim organisations are in the states and this is the only British one I have come across. I would love to join and perhaps get to speak to like minded people who could share their stories with me and I with them.

Kind Regards

Miss Sundas Ahmed