NameShanara Ali

I was raised in an orthodox Muslim household where I witnessed levels of domestic violence that would be deemed criminal but always guised under the umbrella of religion. I watched the men in my family have complete control and the women submit to their nonsense because of a strange belief in a sexist god. I was a teenager when I realised I didn't want to be a bigot or have anything to do with homophobia so I decided not to take part in any Islamic duty ever again. I became an atheist and was disowned. Threatened with violence of course. My family speak to me now and I am open about who I am but they still look down on me and I am never invited to certain events etc. But my nieces and nephews adore me. I want to educate my younger family members those that are secretly gay (there are a few) and those that have no faith that it's ok to be them.

I heard about the council after listening to The BBC Antisocial podcast and I was proud of what your representative said. Even though I'm not gay myself, I have always been an ally and have fought for LGBTQ rights and will continue doing so. I believe in a secular society not in an Islamic one. Therefore I wish to be considered a member.