NameFahad Khan

I was a convert to Islam for several years. I really strongly believed that Islam was the right path and felt spiritually enlightened through Islam. It was only recently that I started to question the fundamental tenets of the faith. I realised that Islam does not stand up to scrutiny morally, thologically or scientifically. Islam is in reality backward and rotten to the core, a seventh century desert tribal ideology that has no place in the twenty first century.

Some racists and right wing activists wrongly accuse Muslims of trying to take over society and of practicing \'taqiyyah\' to lie about their beliefs. I think in reality the tragic situation is that Muslims lie or try to hide their own beliefs because they are ashamed of them as any descent human being would be. Muslims are good people and I hope that more of them start to realise that they themselves have better morals and values than the sick ideology that they have the misfortune of being attached to. I hope that muslims leave Islam and choose humanity. Muslims deserve better!