
Hi, I am a 33 years old married women, I born and raised in Muslim Pakistani family in Pakistan and also got married in Pakistani Muslim family, when I was in Pakistan I always took less part in religious activities for which I bear hate and punishment from my parents and other family members, I always felt and understand that my so called religion is totally against humanity and feminism, I have disagreed with statements of Islam for a long time (including homosexuality being a sin and the brutal punishments of Sharia Law), I moved in UK almost 6 years before from Pakistan, I was always freedom lover but there I could not express my views openly because of the fear of blasphemy law which is death penalty in Pakistan. I have 3 and half years old daughter who born here, I want to bring her up here and don\'t want for her the same life as I lived in Pakistan where women have no rights no freedom of speech and womens are consider as a slave. my husband have same thoughts as I have and he never treated me like other Pakistani Muslim husbands treats their wives, he always respects my thoughts and also not religious as his family who are strict in religious point of view. When I came here I see the equality of human and freedom, I believe in humanity that all human are equal and the only atheist have respect for all other human, recently I found this platform (CEMB) where I can find more people having same thoughts and beliefs as I have and where I can happily and freely share my feelings, and I find no more fear here...