NameMessaoud Haddad

i am 29 years old ,i was ex muslim praying and reading curan every single day for many years .i start looking for the truth since i was 16 or 17 years old .i was always say is that true ? That there is a god punish us for mistakes ? if the god is great and have every thing ,so what is the purpes of creat eart in an illimited univer and creat peaple to pray for him ,by the time i looking for the ressourses and true stories about mohammad and the islamic history ,and i find that this is not what we learn in school ,its completly deferent ,they teached us that mohammad is somme one higher than every thing else on the planet ,the true story is defferent ,i knew that mohammad was doing sex with slaves women ,and make it halal in the curan ,he take the wife from his adopted sone and curan said that too ,curan say that every one on eart who not believe in mohammad message should killed ,if that was in the curan from the beginning ,so daach is not using the curan in the wrong way ,this is the true face of islam ,i totally refuse the curan and mohammad and islam and every religion on earth,that was a small exemple why i refuse religion .i decide to enjoy this council to tell my opinions and share the point of view with other people like me ,because to be atheist in algeria or any islamic country that means death ,i keep it in my heart , i hope to talke with any one else like me .