NameQayyum Mazhar

I am 53 years old ex-muslim from Pakistan presently living in Sweden. I was never a Muslim to start with honestly. My ideas were not Muslim. Even my actions were not Muslim. My Problems with Islam and some of those are follows:

- There were way too many contradictions in the abrogation of verses.

- The inferiority of Women.

- The verses in Quran are vague and can be interpreted in multiple ways.

- Way to many problems in the Character of Muhammad.

- Many connections can be made in regards to the science that Islam proclaims to the science of early Greeks. Such as Embryology.

- Terrorism is inspired by the verses in Quran. I don't care if the terrorists don't understand Quran properly.

- Adam and Eve and Evolution just don't go side by side.

- Islam does not mean peace neither is it the second name of Islam. Islam means subservient to Allah.

- Morality can be explained Scientifically and we hope to do better at that in the coming years.

- Just because we don't know whats up with the Universe doesn't mean God did it. We just don't know.

- Accept Mortality. We gonna die, its as simple as that. No need to make a religion to help you feel better that even if you die you got
another shot at living an eternal life in a much better place.

- Earth or the Universe isn't finely tuned for us. Everything over here I find wants to kill me.

- Yes there are verses in Quran that proclaim Good and peace but that is nothing new. Christianity did that, Judaism did that. People
who are not Religious do good things. This argument proves nothing.

- Quran is heavily plagiarized.