NameMd Farhad Alam

My name is Md Farhad Alam. I am the young brother of Mr Shamim Chowdhury who is ex-Muslim since 2000. I was converting as a Ex-Muslim since 2015. What I believe as a ex-Muslim about religions ... now I am going to Present
At present there are about 4200 religions in the world. Religious religions of every religion claim that their religion is the best. Religious religions of all religions find science in their own scriptures.
In the last few decades, religious religion was anti-science, and today they are trying to find different discoveries of science, their thesis with Thuryira to match the fiction mentioned in the scriptures.
The demand of Muslim goddesses is fulfilled in the whole Quran in the message of science. That is what many religious people do not know about the definition of science, but they know more than the scientists, that is what they represent.
But there are many verses in the Qur'an that passed the anti-science..
Just like Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, Judaism, religions of every religion, in their own religion
By referring to the unscientific words of the mentioned words, the simple-minded people kept the faith of the goddesses blind.