NameSagal Guled

I have been an ex-muslims for around 2 and a half years. I come from a Somali background and have had to keep my apostasy a secret due to the lack of acceptance of apostasy in my community. Ever since I became agnostic, I have tried to find and connect with others like me. To my surprise, I found the r/exmuslim subreddit on Reddit and opened a Reddit account soon after to join the online community. After years of interacting online, I have found that I really want to meet and connect with other ex-muslims in person. It is one thing to talk to someone behind a screen, but it is a whole other thing to speak to people and actually make meaningful connections in real life. I especially want to meet other young non-religious Somalis who may be part of your network so that I can share my experiences and also hear from them. I live in London, one of the biggest cities in the world that certainly has a large ex-muslim population, and I think that it is just a shame that I haven't actualised this opportunity and I would love to finally make some of my dreams a reality.