NameMohammad Zarei

Hi. I'm Mohammad zarei and I was Shia muslim but I couldn't accept some commonds also I studied a lot about God and I couldn't find any exact proof that make me belive that there is a god or not.
Then Because my family are religious people I decide to reading history books about Islam and Shia then it proved that they are not right.
Last year when I was soldier I injured in my military time, and I was powerless and couldn't move then I decided to start finding the truth, suddenly I became familiar with deism, but I wanted to find the truth in all occasions because of that I searched about humanity, it was that time that I found iranian humanist site in Internet and then I connected to its owner and he asked me did I want to read about atheism and agnosticism and That time was the time which I was read about them and even skepticism and at last I found my answer and now want to be familiar with more people like my self in uk and find a good friend there.