Nameaziz azar

It is not possible and unbelievable for any person, group, government or authority in the world ,Assaulting innocent people And judge them by what they think And denying them their rights as citizens.
Does your religion command you to attack non-religious people?
Does your God command you to attack non-religious people?
Do you benefit and gain anything from this attack?
If your GOD is really strong,It does not need you to defend it
Is science, research, industries and inventions Made by religions and beliefs or Made by the human mind?
Everyone in this world has the right to live in freedom and dignity And contentment Regardless of his religion or belief, Atheist, Agnostic, non-religious, secular, religious, cults, Human beings , animal, insect ,These are human rights, and true freedom of expression If you believe in it.
this life and this world and this Universe Not for religious people, sects, atheists, non-religious people, or anyone,Or any groups, or any governments is for everyone.
Everyone in the world has the right to believe what they want, And do what he wants, Provided that it is not at the expense of others, and Not to violate the rights of others.
Enough hate, Enough of psychological and mental wars,Enough of nerve wars And weapons wars And all kinds of wars, Enough of destroying each other ,Stop destroying humanity, No one is better than the other ,We are all equal ,The best is with his morals And help people and humanity Not to destroy people and People are despised.
the Peoples wronged And oppressed, the People suffer in silence ,No more racism, And let's unite for Fighting dictatorial regimes That numbed people's minds And made people fight between them For distraction of peoples, for seize natural resources.
Stop manipulating people's minds To serve a specific agenda Or to serve a personal interest.
This glue must be terminated, We are tired And people are tired, So let us live in peace And safety, and No more incitement And creating sectarianism Among peoples To serve yourselves.
Peoples' patience is running out, Beware of the explosion of peoples, And you have a lesson in history To learn And you wake up.
And you know, the winds run through me, so the ships don't crave.
Message from a secular atheist oppressed in his home country
for every stubborn, arrogant, transcendent, unjust, and Repressive dictatorial regimes.
The permanence of the situation is impossible
Thank you very much For the world organization (ex muslim) Brilliant Great , He does a great effort To help people and Educating people in the world At risk of Religious And do good.
As Karl Marx said (Religion is the opium of the peoples)
ex muslim organization I wish you more tender And shine
Thank you so much for all ex muslim in the world