NameSulaman Rai

Precisely speaking my journey is that of a muslim born and raised in moderately religious sunni brelvi muslim Pakistani family. Post 9/11 era was my medical college student period who convinced me looking at my own religion with critique because of its concept of militant jihad associated with terrorism. It likely silently put a seed inside me for atheism but I had not realised it that time because of my professional endeavours and all that life stuff.
Later on Internet revolution helped me weighing the existence of god against the scientific facts based on evidence of origin of universe and the theory of evolution. It was in 2017, I remember, that I started finding online groups realising that I was not a lone human in Pakistan to think freely like that to challenge the concept of god. This was also amazing to know that organisations like CEMB existed, although not in Pakistan.
Now a days we see that social media has helped free thinking people from muslim countries to come together and express themselves. I have recently moved to UK for work related activities and it feels like being in a great solace that I would be able to connect to great people with CEMB for its great cause of protecting the truth and reasoning that is consequent of being safley free from non-provable religious dogmas.

Dr Sulaman