NameWaseem Hussein

I am an 18 year old who still lives with his family that are still strict Muslims and this is affecting my mental state horriblly...I hurt myself badly I have permanent marks...I cut some of my hair with the same blade I cut my hand with...not a single person in the house I am in understands me ..I have adhd or atleast that's what I think...I hate my life...from childhood I was both physically and mentally abused by my parents...I became scared to talk to people...I left highschool due to being bullied there for my height and weight... everyday I think about death and I think if I can be reborn after death... perhaps a better life...but I fear the risk...but at the same time I fear being stuck in a cage my whole life :(...I don't know what this organization does... but what I need is to leave Egypt and especially my family since they are making me hate life..and go to a place where I can fix my mental problems and fix my Hyperhidrosis and start going to high school and college and fix my... dead life...your help will really matter to me and I really fear my thoughts... thank you for reading...