
I would love to know more about people who are thinking to leave islam or already have left it. I am 26 now in an arranged marriage and have a son who is 3 years old. I have always been around people from my islamic community and I know of some people who have left the community and people (even close family) talk soo bad about them. That they will die in hell and that they are rubbish and so on and on. I know if I leave my religion my family will hate me. However I cannot wait to leave it. I want my feeedom, for which I have been dreaming alll my life. My husband is very controlling in regards to religious stuff and about what I wear and where I go and what I do. I am sickkkk of it. I hate him for that. I want to leave my religion with my son. But I am just sooooo scared of being isolated, specially because I need to consider my son too.