NameHaider Saleem

I was scared originally to sign up to this, but after gaining confidence, I\'ve decided to finally join. Like many people here, I was born into a Muslim family. I was a strict Muslim, although I was always open minded and open to the idea that Islam and the idea of God was incorrect, though I thoroughly believed it. When I was 15, I decided to finally read the Qu\'raan in English during Ramadan. I had a girlfriend at the time, because I maintained a justification that marriage is an outdated act and in this culture, a relationship is technically what a marriage was in the middle ages. I decided to read the Qu\'raan with my agnostic girlfriend so me and her could discover more about Islam, and the amount of things inside the Qu\'raan that were cruel, disheartening, and up-right terrible was tremendous. I thought that reading the Qu\'raan would strengthen my faith, when all it ever did was destroy it. Coming out to my parents at 16, they didn\'t take it well, but since have accepted it to a degree. I am still forced to go Eid Salah and whatnot, despite my best efforts of saying there is no God - this frustrates me because of what is spoken at these prayers, and the mindless drones that nod their head at everything an Imaam says. I am a passionate Atheist and wish to be an advocate of Atheism - despite the loss of friendships and trust that I\'ve had with my family simply for not believing in a fictional being who is absolutely unpleasant. I am proud of who I am, and I think apostasy is on the same level as a homosexual \'coming out the closet\'. We need to end this stigma, and I am all for your cause. Thank you.