NameMohammad Panav

I was brought up in a Muslim family with strict Islamic rules and traditions. I was so into religion myself I know Quran by heart and I was the best student in religious studies at school. I was even nominated to read Quran every morning for the student before the classes start. I moved to India and realized there is more than one religion and obviously there is more than one god. I decided to look at religion from critical point and find the truth about religions and specially Islam. I soon realized that there is no such a thing as one god or one religion. Islam is not the best religion and Prophet Mohammad is not the last prophet. I started to differentiate the natural rules from religious rules. I saw the beauty of the nature and brutality of the religions namely Islam. I decided to work as much hard as I can to share my findings with other religious people and specially Muslims. I will continue my work by joining ex-muslim community in order to learn from their experiences and share mine with them.