
My name is Mohammad Sharifi. I was born in 23/10/1986 in Sarpol-e Zhab, Iran. The number of my national identity card is 336-9955954. I am an atheist. My unbelief has its roots in my knowledge of Islam and other faiths. Our ancestors in Old Persia accepted Islam just because of fear and torture and the governors of today\'s Iran are still imposing their faith by these means. In the modern world, compulsive confessions have no validity, while in my country they are widely used against the dissidents. I detest Islam because of the things I have seen from Islamists such as Khomeyni, Kalkhali, Jannati, Ahmadinezhad, Taliban, and ISIS.There is no truth in Islam and it is imposed on people by terror and mass murder. I hate Islam, because its proponents are slave dealers, and misogynists like Mohammad, Ali, Omar and Caliphs.I was born in a Muslim country, and now that I am in a free country I want to denounce this religion openly. I hope to live the rest of my life as a free man, although Mullahs and Islam wasted my past.