
I have left Islam, this false religion. I appreciate some of the principles i.e. 2.5% charity, but on the grand scheme of things it\'s man made.
I secretly hide this fact as it would no doubt leave me ostracised within my family circle as they are all completely delusional.
I had my doubts many years ago and I\'m glad there is an underground ex muslim (yes without uppercase M) movement. To death with religion!!
I wish I could burn the quran and all other religious texts and have a barbecue with the fire.

I\'m glad that some of us have found a way out. Fu**ing cult that it is. I met so many delusional people over the years. However one fair point is that some people who are in extreme suffering i.e. third world countries, it does give hope to the many good people who don\'t wish to harm anyone. It\'s a shame that humanity in general is selfish but that is another issue.