
I stumbled across this website today and must say how moved I am to hear all the testimonies of people suffering at the hands of a religion which has left many feeling scarred, jaded and isolated from their nearest and dearest.

I have never been a Muslim - I was bought up a devout Jehovahs Witness from birth. Bought up to believe that the worlds end was coming and that I had to conform or die..... I was bought up in a physical and sexually abusive household and had no outside help because we were strictly told that \'worldly association\' was not allowed.

I fortunately was able to leave in my mid teens but bared the scars of my indoctrination for many years - going off the rails and had to find my own path.

Life following breaking free from such indoctrination is hard and the outside world once breaking free can make you go a little crazy especially when being given such a liberty that you once never had. My advice to everyone that is considering leaving is to do your research, build up a network of friends..... Save some money, and take the leap only when you are secure... There is always a high probability that your family may shun your existence therefore getting a plan together is always necessary.

If anyone ever needs to talk I will respond to all x