
Hello, I accepted Islam over 15 years ago after meeting an Arab man. I liked it very much and was very devoted Muslima. Unfortunately, I did not read the Quran as it was said to me that in my mother tongue it would not mean the same as in the original Arabic. I read few books about Islam (Taqiyya) and I liked a lot as my life was very challenging and rather tragic as a child and teenager. I liked Islam firstly because it is very sophisticated and give you all instructions about how to leave your life but as much as I hate to admit I loved the man who introduced it to me and gave me that time and attention I was always longing for. He not only gave me the attention but also spoke about God in whom I have always believed but was not kin on religion just yet. I was very lost! After few years of marriage I started seeing some odd ideas about Islam and found out for the first time about Muhammad\'s child bride and gradually about other thing I had no idea where part of Islam. I must say that most of thing I was told about Islam and its prophet were lies pure deception! I know why I accepted this cult but it is hard to admit how some of us converts are silly in my case rather pathetic! The good thing is that I have realized at last what this CANCER /ISLAM is really about!