NameLilian Elkady

i\'m lillian, 23 years old i\'m an egyptian agnostic (exmuslim) transgender girl, persecution and hatred based on religion or sexual orientation and gender identity is the vast majority\'s culture, i became an agnostic in 2013 when i was 20 while i was studying in the faculty of science - cairo university then in 2015 i came out as transgender and i\'ve been facing a strong hate and discrimination based on the two former reason i don\'t usually walk down the street as a girl because the morality police is everywhere i\'m trapped and i feel closeted anyway and looking for any activism community to communicate with and to share ideas, for uk especially i\'ve read and watched documentaries about radical islam growing and muslim patrols trying to impose sharia law on free people in a supposedly free country so being outspoken about exislam is a very interesting matter to me