NameM H

Please include a statement as to why you want to join and the significance of the organisation for you. Any background informationHello ...
I was a muslim from Syria and I live in Germany now
I am 19 years old and my score in the scientific high school is 99.4%
and after I have suffered for 2 years for researching and reading I knew the truth of religions but unfortunatly now I lost every every  thing I lost my lovely close friends who accompanied all my life until we arrived in Germany they become as enemies because of my opinion one of them tried to kill me several times although I loved him more than my family
Lately I move to my uncle and I hid every thing but I live in horror and sadness
I have been suffering from heavy depression for one year and I have lost any hope for life and in fact I tried to suicide several times
Please can you help me ? I want to leave all my past and start my life from zero but I don't have anything I don't have friends I don't have german language I have horror only here would be useful.