Farsi, Arabic, French and Spanish translations and list of Signatories below.
To add your signature, please email maryamnamazie@gmail.com or add your name and description in the comments section below. The list will be updated daily until end of 3 October, International Soheil Day.

Soheil Arabi is an Iranian atheist initially sentenced to death for ‘insulting the Prophet of Islam’ in Facebook posts. Due to public pressure, his sentence was reduced but he continues to face multiple additional charges in attempts to silence him since his arrest in November 2013.

In August 2021, his lawyer Tweeted that Soheil had been sentenced to yet another 2 years in prison for ‘spreading propaganda with the intention of disturbing public opinion,’ because of his outspoken advocacy for atheism and prisoner rights.

We, the undersigned, are extremely concerned about Soheil’s life and safety and demand his immediate and unconditional release.  We unequivocally condemn blasphemy laws that persecute freethinkers for their conscience and expression.

In order to defend and stand with Soheil Arabi, we call for 3 October to be International Soheil Day.

On this day, we urge the public to highlight his plight by rallying at Iranian embassies, contacting members of parliament in their countries of residence, writing protest letters, Tweeting #FreeSoheil #SoheilDay #SoheilArabi and sending messages of solidarity to Soheil and his mother Farangis Mazloum who has been targeted for defending her detained son.






سهیل عربی زندانی ایرانی آتئیستی است که به دلیل انتشار پستی در انتقاد از پیامبر اسلام ابتدا به مرگ محکوم شد. در عین حال، بنا به فشارهای اجتماعی حکم‌ سهیل عربی از اعدام به زندان تغییر کرد. وی اما از نوامبر سال ۲۰۱۳ (آذر ماه ۱۳۹۳) همچنان با چند محکومیت دیگر، به منظور‌ انکه اعتراضی نکند از جانب حاکمیت مواجه است

در ماه اوت سال ۲۰۲۱ (مرداد ماه ۱۴۰۰) وکیل سهیل در توئیتر خود اعلام کرد که سهیل به جرم آنچه که توسط حاکمیت تبلیغ علیه نظام خوانده میشود، و به جرم دفاع از آتئیسم و حقوق‌ زندانیان به دو سال دیگر حبس محکوم‌شده است

ما، امضا کنندگان این بیانیه، ضمن ابراز نگرانی شدید از وضعیت و امینت سهیل، خواهان آزادی فوری و بی قید و شرط وی هستیم

ما همچنین به صراحت قانون مربوط به ممنوعیت کفر گویی که موجب دستگیری و تحت فشار قرار گرفتن آزاد اندیشان میشود را محکوم میکنیم

به منظور‌حمایت و‌ دفاع از سهیل عربی، ما ۳ ماه اکتبر (۱۱ مهر) را به عنوان روز جهانی سهیل عربی نام گذاری کرده ایم

در این روز ما به همگان فراخوان میدهیم تا ضمن تمرکز برای وضعیت بحرانی و بسیار غیر انسانی سهیل، در مقابل سفارت خانه‌ های حکومت اسلامی ایران تجمعات اعتراضی برگزار کنند، با نمایندگان مجلس کشور محل زندگی شان تماس بگیرند، نامه های اعتراضی بنویسند، و برای سهیل عربی، و فرنگیس مظلوم، مادر سهیل، که‌ به دلیل دفاع از فرزند خود مورد تعقیب و فشار قرار گرفته است، پیام های حمایتی بفرستند


سهيل عربي ملحد إيراني حُكم عليه سابقاً بالإعدام بتهمة “إهانة رسول الإسلام” و ذلك بسبب منشورات له على الفيسبوك.  وتحت ضغط الرأي العام ، تم تخفيف عقوبته ، لكنه لا يزال يواجه عدة تهم إضافية في محاولة لإسكاته منذ اعتقاله في نوفمبر 2013.

في أغسطس 2021 ، غرد محاميه على تويتر أن سهيل قد أعيد الحكم عليه بالسجن لمدة عامين آخرين بتهمة “ نشر دعاية بهدف زعزعة الرأي العام ” ، بسبب دفاعه عن الإلحاد وحقوق السجناء.

نحن الموقعون أدناه ، نشعر بقلق بالغ على حياة وسلامة سهيل وندعو إلى إطلاق سراحه الفوري وغير المشروط، و ندين بشكل قاطع قوانين التجديف التي يُضطهد باسمها المفكرون الأحرار بسبب دفاعهم عن حريتهم في الضمير والتعبير.

للدفاع عن سهيل ودعمه، ندعو إلى جعل 3 أكتوبر يومًا عالميًا لسهيل.

في هذا اليوم ، نطلب منكم إبراز و تسليط الضوء على اضطهاده ، و ذلك من خلال تنظيم مسيرات أمام السفارات الإيرانية ، والاتصال بأعضاء البرلمان في بلد إقامتك ، وكتابة رسائل احتجاج ، والتغريد من خلال الهاشتاغات: #الحرية_لسهيل ، #اليوم_العالمي_لسهيل ، #سهيل_عربي

و إرسال رسائل تضامن إلى سهيل ووالدته فرانجيس مظلوم التي تم استهدافها بسبب دفاعها عن ابنها.




Soheil Arabi
 est un athée iranien qui a d’abord été condamné à mort pour ‘insulte au Prophjète de l’Islam’ dans des posts sur Facebook. Sous la pression publique, sa sentence a été réduite mais il continue à faire face à de multiples accusations supplémentaires pour tenter de le réduire au silence depuis son arrestation en novembre 2013.

En août 2021, son avocat a tweeté que Sohail avait été condamné de nouveau pour encore deux ans de prison pour ‘ avoir circulé de  la propagande dans le but de perturber l’opinion publique’, en raison de sa défense de l’athéisme et des droits des prisonniers.

Nous soussignés sommes extrêmement  inquiets pour la vie et la sécurité de Sohail et demandons sa libération immédiate et sans conditions. Nous condamnons sans équivoque les lois sur le blasphème au nom desquelles les libre-penseurs sont persécutés pour leur liberté de conscience et d’expression.

Pour le défendre et le soutenir, nous appelons à faire de la date du 3 octobre une Journée Internationale pour Sohail.

En ce jour, nous vous demandons de donner de la visibilité à sa persécution, en organisant des rassemblements devant les ambassades d’Iran, en contactant des membres du parlement dans votre pays de résidence, en écrivant des lettres de protestation, en tweetant Libérez Sohail Journée Sohail Sohail Arabi et en envoyant des messages de solidarité à Sohail et à sa mère Farangis Mazloum qui est ciblée pour avoir pris la défense de son fils.


Soheil Arabi es un ateo iraní inicialmente condenado a muerte por “insultar al Profeta del Islam” en publicaciones de Facebook. Debido a la presión pública, se redujo su sentencia, pero sigue enfrentándose a varios cargos adicionales en un intento de silenciarlo desde su arresto en noviembre de 2013.

En agosto de 2021, su abogado tuiteó que Soheil había sido condenado a otros 2 años de prisión por “difundir propaganda con la intención de perturbar la opinión pública”, debido a su abierta defensa del ateísmo y los derechos de los presos.

Nosotros, los abajo firmantes, estamos sumamente preocupados por la vida y la seguridad de Soheil y exigimos su liberación inmediata e incondicional. Condenamos inequívocamente las leyes sobre blasfemia que persiguen a los librepensadores por su conciencia y expresión.

Para defender y apoyar a Soheil Arabi, pedimos que el 3 de octubre sea el Día Internacional de Soheil.

En este día, instamos al público a resaltar su difícil situación manifestándose ante las embajadas iraníes, contactando a miembros del parlamento en sus países de residencia, escribiendo cartas de protesta, tuiteando #FreeSoheil #SoheilDay #SoheilArabi y enviando mensajes de solidaridad a Soheil y su madre Farangis Mazloum, que ha sido atacada por defender a su hijo detenido.

SIGNATORIES (Updated 20/10/2021)

To add your signature, please email maryamnamazie@gmail.com or add your name and description in the comments below. The list will be updated daily until end of 3 October, International Soheil Day.

Soheil Arabi, Atheist political prisoner in Iran
Faranguiz Mazloum, Soheil Arabi’s mother
Abdullah Sameer, Youtuber
AC Grayling, Philosopher
Adelheid Roosen, Artistic Director and Co-Founder of Zina Foundation
Afzal Rezaeian Doloei
Ahmedur Chowdhury, Editor in Chief and Publisher, Shuddhashar
Ajanta Deb Roy, Director, Be Humane First
Albert Beale, Pacifist Activist
Ali Malik, Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain, Asylum and Refugees works manager
Alireza Azami, Poet and Human Rights Activist
Aliya Abbas, Freethinker, Child/Forced Marriage Activist
Aliyah Saleem, Co-founder of Faith to Faithless.
Amel Feve, Activist
Amir Maniee, nogodland Blog
Anand Patwardhan, Filmmaker
Andy Heintz, Writer
Annie Laurie Gaylor, Co-President, Freedom From Religion Foundation
Anthony McIntyre, The Pensive Quill
Arash Hampay, Activist
Ariane Brunet, Centre for Secular Space
Armin Nabavi, Founder, Atheist Republic
Arsalan Nejati, Atheist Activist
Asad Abbas, Ex-Muslim Activist
Atieh Niknafas, Ex Muslims of Scandinavia
Babak Dalivand, Activist
Babak Yazdi, Executive Director of Kanoon-e Khavaran
Barry Duke, Editor, The Freethinker
Barry Finger, Retired civil servant
Beatrix Campbell, Writer
Benyounes Khaled, Algerian Activist
Bonya Ahmed, Muktomona, Bengali Freethinkers
Candan Badem, Atheist and Historian
Caroline Fourest, Writer
Catherine Deudon, Writer and Photographer
Catherine Dunphy, Activist
Cemal Knudsen Yucel, Ex-Muslims of Norway
Charlotte Bunch, Distinguished Professor, Rutgers University
Cheick Mohamed Mkhaitir, président de Lumières sans frontières
Cherifa kheddar, présidente de l’association Djazairouna des Familles Victimes du Terrorisme Islamiste
Codou Bop, Senegalese Human Right Defender, Groupe de Recherche sur les Femmes et les Lois au Senegal (GREFELS)
Constance Cafazza, Clinical Research Study Assistant
Dan Barker, Co-President, Freedom From Religion Foundation
Daniel Salvatore Schiffer, Philosopher and Writer
David Rand, president Libres penseurs athées–Atheist Freethinkers Canada
Didier Epsztajn, Animateur du blog entre les lignes entre les mots
Deirdre Cripps
Dilip Simeon, Indian Teacher and Writer
Djemila Benhabib, Journalist, Algérie/Belgique
Douglas Kinney
Eddie Goldman, Journalist
Ensaf Haidar, Raif Badawi Foundation for Freedom
Evan Kless, Freethinker
F. Racine, Animateurs des Éditions de l’Asymétrie
Fariborz Pooya, Bread and Roses Producer
Faryad Ostovar, Iranarchist Party
Fay Rahman, Youtuber
FEMEN Germany
Francis Vanhee, Comité de réflexion et d’action laïque CREAL76
Giovanni Fanfoni
Girard, A. Rousset, Animateurs des Éditions de l’Asymétrie
Gissou Nia, Human Rights Lawyer
Gita Sahgal, One Law for All Spokesperson
Giuliana Sgrena, Italian journaliste
Golriz Ghahraman, Member of Parliament, Green Party, New Zealand
Gulalai Ismail, Human Rights Activist Aware Girls
Gulam Faruque, Ex Muslim
Guy Otten, Atheism UK Council Member
Habib Haghjoo, Flight PS752 family member
Halima Salat, ExMuslim Somali Voices
Harriet Wistrich, Feminist Solicitor
Hassan Mousavi
Hazhar Alipour, Political Activist
Hina Hassan, Ex-Muslims of India
Homa Arjomand, Active Director of the Cultural Bridges Association and Coordinator of The Campaign Open the Borders for Afghan Women and Children Fleeing Taliban
Houzan Mahmoud, Kurdish feminist Writer
Ibn Warraq, Writer
Ibtissame Betty Lachgar, Spokesperson, Mouvement alternatif pour les libertés individuelles Morocco
Iman Soleimani Amiri, Islam Critic
Jaleh Tavakoli, Blogger and Activist
Jane Donnelly, Human Rights Officer, Atheist Ireland
Jason Sylvester, Board member at large, Atheist Alliance International
Javed Anand, Muslims for Secular Democracy in India
Jeanine Caraguel, Activist
Jenny Wenhammar, FEMEN Sweden
Jesus Oliveros Ortiz, Mexican Atheist
Jesús Puente González, Activist
Jill Nicholls, Filmmaker
Jimmy Bangash, Spokesperson of Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain
Johanna Brown, Atheist Republic
John Hamill, The Free Thought Prophet Podcast
Jonathan Dore
Jonathan Squire, Humanist and Atheist
Kamel Boubendir, Activist
Kat Parker, Activist
Katha Pollitt, Writer, The Nation
Kavian Rezagholi, Political Activist
Keyvan Javid, Political Activist
Kiumars Mozafari, Political Activist
Lalia Ducos, Algéro-française, Présidente de Women’s Initiative for Citizenship and Universal Rights – WICUR
Laura Guidetti, Feminist and Activist for LGBT rights, Italy
Lawrence M. Krauss, The Origins Project Foundation Director and Scientist
Lino Veljak, Protagora, Zagreb/Croatia
Liz Matthews, Lawyer
Luc de Bernis, Activist
Maarten Freriks, President of id Fix foundation, projectmanager of the Secular Underground Network
Mahmoud Masoumi, Atlas of Iranian prisons, Organisation of Unity for Iran
Mahshad Afshar, Artist
Mahtab Ghorbani, Activist
Manel Salido, Razón o fe
Marguerite Stern, Créatrice des collages contre les féminicides
Maria Concepcion Martin Sanchez, Activist
Marieme Helie Luas, Founder of Secularism Is A Women’s Issue
Mark Rude, Writer
Martin Alonso, Spanish Sociologue
Martin Boers
Maryam Namazie, Iranian-British Rights Campaigner and Writer
Marzieh Fathi
Masoumeh Khirollahzadeh
Matthew J Cravatta, Secular Rescue (USA)
Meenal Viz, Doctor and Activist
Mehdi Jamali, Political Activist
Mehrdad Ahangar, Political Activist
Mersedeh Ghaedi, Iran Tribunal Spokesperson
Michael Nugent, Chairperson, Atheist Ireland
Mikel Kritzinger, Secondary School Maths Teacher
Milad Resaeimanesh, Ex Muslims of Scandinavia Co-Founder and Chairman
Mimzy Vidz YouTuber and Counsellor
Mina Ahadi, Founder of Zentralrat der Ex-Muslime Deutschland
Mitra Babak, Atheist Psychologist
Mohamed Amara, Critic of Islam
Mohammad Hooshmand, Activist
Mohammad Imran, Activist
Mohammadreza Nazari Darkoli, Writer and Critic of Literature and Philosophy
Mohsen Safarelahi, Computer Hardware Engineer
Monica Lanfranco, MAREA magazine
Muhammad Syed, Founder of Ex-Muslims of North America
Musa Okwonga, Writer
Mwhamadu Alfakhr, Poet
Nadia Chaabane, Ancienne députée tunisienne
Nadia el Fani, Tunisian Filmmaker
Nadia Moussaid, Journalist and Presenter for Dutch Public TV
Nahla Mahmoud, Sudanese Atheist and Human Rights Activist
Nazmiye Oral, Actress, Writer, Presenter and co-founder of the Zina Foundation
Nemat Sadat, Afghan Writer
Nicholas Aloi
Nick Cohen, Journalist
Nick Fish, President of American Atheist
Nick Forbes, Secretary, Faithless Hijabi
Nicolas Leproust, Activist
Nidhal Gharsi, President of Inara, The Tunisian Association of Irreligious and free thinkers
Nik Górecki, Housmans Bookshop
Nina Sankari, Editor of The Atheist Review and the Kazimierz Lyszczynski Foundation President
Nuriyah Khan, Youtuber
Omar Kuddus, Director GayAsylumUK
Parham Amanzadeh
Parisa Pouyandeh, CFPPI
Persis-Jadé Maravala, Artist
Peter Tatchell, Director, Peter Tatchell Foundation
Pierre Pradervand, Author, Director Vivre Autrement, Geneva
Pierre Rousset President Europe solidaire sans frontières (ESSF) France
Pragna Patel, Director, Southall Black Sisters
Radio Payam Canada
Rana Ahmad, Founder Atheist Refugee Relief
Réginald Bien-Aimé, Founder Haitian Freethinkers
Rehan Chowdhury
Reza Gholizadeh Chelekdani
Reza Rashidi, Children Rights Activist
Rishvin Ismath, Founder, Council of Ex-Muslims of Sri Lanka
Rivka Leah Goldstein, Kent Community Secular Alliance
Robbert Bodegraven, Director Dutch Humanist Association
Robert Hamilton, President, Humanist Ottawa
Roberto Grendene, secretary of Italian Union of Rationalist Atheists and Agnostics
Robin Blick, Atheist and Free Speech Advocate
Robyn E. Blumner, President and CEO, Center for Inquiry and Executive Director, Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason & Science
Russell Webb
Saadiq Samad, Ex-Muslims of Tamil Nadu
Sabine Prokhoris, Philosophe et psychanalyste
Saffiyah Khalique, Journalist
Safwan Mason, Council of ex-Muslims of New Zealand
Saif -ul-Malook, Pakistani Lawyer
Saman Jafari, Political Activist
Sami Abdallah, Freethought Lebanon
Samir Noory, Chairperson, Abolition death penalty of Iraq Organization
Samrah Atika Activist, co-founder and spokesperson Conseil des exmusulmans de France
Samuel Isaac Alvis Naritas, Athena Research and Education
Savalan Ghodsi, Ex-Muslims of Netherlands
Seamus McGaffick, The Free Thought Prophet Podcast
Sepehrdad Gorgin, Poet and Political-Social activist
Seyyid Hanif, ExMuslims of Toronto and Faithless Hijabi
Shahab Bahrami, Activist
Shahin Mohammadi Atheist activist in Atheism Campaign
Shahnaz Eidan, Atheist
Shaparak Shajari zadeh, Women’s Rights Activist
Shayan Ali, Young Apostates
Sheema Kalbasi, Human Rights Advocate
Shelley Segal, Singer-Songwriter
Siavash Modarresi, Atheist Activist
Sirwan Ghaderi, Campaign in Support of Iranian Workers
Soad Baba-Aissa, Activist, Association pour la mixité, l’égalité et la laïcité en Algérie
Sohail Ahmad, Activist, ReasonOnFaith.org
Soudabeh Abbasi, Ex-Muslim and LGBT Activist
Soudabeh Shakib
Stasa Zajovic, Women in Black, Belgrade/Serbia
Stephen Evans, Chief Executive, National Secular Society
Stephen Knight, Host of The Godless Spellchecker Podcast & The Knight Tube
Stephen Law, Philosopher and Author
Stuart Russell, Monitoring Committee on Attacks on Lawyers, International Association of People’s Lawyers (IAPL)
Sukla Sen, Peace Activist
Sultan Shahin, Journalist
Susanna McIntyre, President & CEO, Atheist Republic
Tahmineh Sadeghi, International Federation of Iranian Refugees-Vancouver
Taslima Nasrin, Writer
Teresa Giménez Barbat, Writer and ex-MEP
Tonoy Emroz Alam, Director, Atheist Alliance International
Ufa M. Fahmee, Humanist Creator and Social Activist
Usama al-Binni, Manaarah Initiative
Vahid Yücesoy, PhD Candidate, Montréal, Canada
Veria Amiri, Atheist Podcaster
Victoria Gugenheim, Artist and Body-painter
Viviane Nordon, Activist
Wafa Bahri, Tunisian Freethinker
Wissam Charafeddine, Muslimish Activist
Yahya Ekhou, Founder, Liberals Network Mauritania
Yasmin Rehman, Women’s Rights Campaigner
Yasser Kadkhodaee, Activist
Yolanda Rouiller, Spanish Philologue
Yves Thevenot, Trainer, Atheist Activist
Zara Kay, Founder of Faithless Hijabi
Zehra Pala, Political and Atheist activist and Founder of HumaSecuLa, Turkey
Zubin Madon, Writer