Ex-Muslims are linked only in the movement for the rights to freedom of conscience, apostasy and blasphemy. An ex-Muslim can be progressive or reactionary, misogynist or feminist, anti-racist or racist… just as any person in any civil rights movement organised around specific demands. We are a ‘community’ in protest not identity. So, it shouldn’t be surprising that there will be ex-Muslims who support Tommy Robinson just as there are women and atheists who support  Farage, Trump, Netanyahu, Sinwar, Khamenei or Modi.

How ironic, though, to oppose the far-Right Islamist movement, Islam and religion, and the dehumanisation and scapegoating of apostates and then turn around and support another far-Right movement that does exactly the same thing. White nationalists are the Christian-Right – they rely on religion, supremacy, misogyny, anti-Semitism, homophobia, violence, threats, terrorism, dehumanisation, hate and the scapegoating of the most vulnerable in society.  What narcissism to think that hate and violence only matter when you are at the receiving end – and to hell with everyone else.

Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain (CEMB) and One Law for All oppose all far-Right movements be they Islamist, Hindutva, the Buddhist-Right, Jewish-Right or Christian-Right and white nationalists. We also oppose racism, bigotry, xenophobia and a politics of hate.