Waleed Al-Husseini, the Palestinian blogger and atheist who CEMB advocated on behalf when he was arrested in 2010 by the Palestinian Authority is now in Paris, France and is organising a Council of Ex-Muslims of…
Author: CEMB
In May 2012 we started a group in New York City where ex-Muslims and Muslims who have questions about religion or want take a more objective look at its teachings can come and participate in…
Hijab for a day, BBC News, 31 January 2013 [External link]
FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION Last week saw a victory for freedom of expression as the government finally capitulated and agreed to support reform to Section 5 of the Public Order Act. In the wake of such…
The Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain is outraged to learn about the arrest of Egyptian blogger and atheist Abdul Aziz Mohammed Al-Baz (also known as Ben Baz) in Kuwait for merely exercising his right to free…