Catherine Dunphy, Executive Director of the Clergy Project, has contacted the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain about about incorporating ex-Muslim imams and mullahs into the Clergy Project which is a confidential online community for faithless…
Rim Razek writes to the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain: I was born in Egypt. I come from a strictly religious background; most members of my family are members of the Muslim Brotherhood. Despite being…
Confessions of an ex-Muslim, New Statesman, 17 May 2013 [external link]
Hiding in Casablanca, The Stream, Aljazeera, 3 May 2013
Since 22 year old Imad Iddine Habib founded the Council of Ex-Muslims of Morocco (the first public atheist organisation in a country with Islam as the state religion), he has received numerous threats. Morocco’s High…