Download: (PDF) Supporting secularism: the approach that treats all citizens equally 15 September 2011 This Saturday, 17 September 2011, thousands of people will rally in central London to demand secularism in Europe. Supporters of the…
[wpaudio: url="/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/bbc-have-your-say-on-sharia.mp3" text="Sharia Law In Libya - BBC Radio 4: Have Your Say"]
Maryam Namazie’s Australian tour in the last week of August 2011 was a huge success, attracting a high media profile and hundreds who attended her various speaking engagements, which included a fundraising dinner in Sydney,…
Watch video here [internal link]
Maryam Namazie in australianetwork 7 September 2011. Video you can watch here [internal link] Maryam Namazie’s interview on terrorism, Sharia law and the veil, ABC Newsline, 7 September 2011. Maryam Namazie’s in depth interview with…