Un tabou : ces musulmans qui quittent l’islam, 7 December 2021
“El derecho a criticar el islam es necesario para nosotras, las ateas de cultura musulmana”. Entrevista a Maryam Namazie, Translated into Spanish on 3 December 2021
Writers at Risk, and what we can do at Warwick, The Boar, 17 November 2021
Soheil Arabi, an Iranian atheist initially sentenced to death in 2013 for ‘insulting the Prophet of Islam’ in Facebook posts, has been released after eight years in prison. He has been internally exiled for two…
At De Balie’s Freethinkers Festival in Amsterdam end October 2021, Maryam Namazie spoke on “Women in oppression: On the deep friendship between religion and patriarchy.” During the discussion, she said “Religion has to come with…