Carte blanche: liberté, dignité et fraternité pour l’Afghanistan, Le Soir, 28 August 2021 Nous, signataires de ce message de solidarité envers le peuple afghan, sommes, certes, contre toute ingérence d’un pays tiers, quelles que soient…
Women Against Taliban, Frauen gegen Taliban, Hpd, 25 August 2021 With the takeover by the Taliban in Afghanistan, people around the world are fearing that the Taliban’s first victims will be millions of women. Only…
Announcing the first publication from Humanist Canada Press: This World First by Marc Schaus, Humanist Canada, 11 August 2021 In his latest book, research specialist Marc Schaus charts the progress of secular values occurring around…
Kjenner du til disse kvinnene? De er vår tids feminister, Resett, 10 August 2021
Maryam Namazie talks early life, Iran, human rights, sexuality, women and more, XMuslimUK, 6 July 2021