Episode Three of ‘What’s The Chai?’ with Jimmy Bangash (Gay Ex-Muslim and Spokesperson for the Council of Ex-Muslims) and Khakan Qureshi (Gay Muslim and Founder of Birmingham South Asians LGBT- Finding A Voice) on Should…
TEDx’s DE-FACTO Blasphemy Law | Rationality Rules on Maryam Namazie’s censorship, 20 May 2021
Maryam Namazie Interview, Lay Led Unions, 7 May 2021
Irrsinn in der Uno: Der Iran soll sich um Frauenrechte kümmern. Die Schweiz schweigt, Nebelspalter, 4 May 2021
Two people have been sentenced to death on blasphemy charges and are being held in Arak. Yousef Mehrdad of Ardabil has been named as one of the two, although the identity of the other remains…