Maryam Namazie’s TedX Warwick talk on Creativity in Protesting Religious Fundamentalism has finally been published a year later but without slides. Before her talk, there was an attempt to censor some of her slides with…
Dear Friend TEDX PUBLISHES MARYAM NAMAZIE’S CENSORED TALK Maryam Namazie’s TEDx Warwick talk on ‘Creativity in Protesting Religious Fundamentalism’ has finally been published more than a year later as a result of public pressure –…
Women Leaving Islam: the rights of those who leave religion must be protected, NSS Newsline, 14 April 2021
Fast-defying is persecuted in Egypt, Iran, Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia… In protest, CEMB and Victoria Gugenheim are calling on people to dance, kiss, hug, sing, listen to music… – anything that is religiously…
Ceci n’est pas un blasphème: Napoli celebra la libertà di espressione, Informa Press, 8 April 2021