Women Leaving Islam, a new film by CEMB, premiered on 1 February as a challenge to #WorldHijabDay and religious modesty rules. You can watch the film here. In this powerful film, six ex-Muslim women activists…
Il festival per la libertà di espressione: parla l’ideatrice Emanuela Marmo 10-30 settembre 2021, Salerno Today, 22 January 2021
#JusticeForZaraKay #JusticeForZara #StandUpForZaraKay 21 January 2021 The International Coalition of Ex-Muslims and Australian secular organisations remain concerned about Zara Kay’s safety and urge the Australian government to take immediate action and intervene on her behalf…
Festival delle Arti per la libertà d’espressione, Di Redazione Informare, 21 January 2021
From the hijab to freedom, Rahila Gupta, New Humanist, 19 January 2021 A new documentary “Women Leaving Islam”, by the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain, tells the story of six women escaping the violence of…