December 3, 2021
“El derecho a criticar el islam es necesario para nosotras, las ateas de cultura musulmana”. Entrevista a Maryam Namazie, Translated into Spanish on 3 December 2021
Filed as: Media Coverage

November 23, 2021
Writers at Risk, and what we can do at Warwick, The Boar, 17 November 2021
Filed as: Media Coverage

October 26, 2021
Campaigners call for release of Iranian blogger who ‘insulted Islam’, NSS News, 26 October 2021 Posted: Tue, 26 Oct 2021 Over 200 organisations and individuals have called for the release of an Iranian blogger imprisoned for ‘blasphemy’. An initiative launched by Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain (CEMB), Atheist Republic and Ex-Muslims of Scandinavia aims to free Soheil Arabi (pictured), who has been imprisoned in Iran since 2013. The National Secular Society is one of more than 200 organisations and individuals from around the world who pledged their support to mark ‘International Soheil Day‘ on 3 October. Arabi was sentenced to death in...
Filed as: Media Coverage

October 18, 2021
Maryam Namazie: ‘Vrouwen zijn een makkelijk doelwit voor religie’, De Balie, 15 October 2021 English Translation: Leading human rights activist Maryam Namazie has been campaigning for a secular society for decades. Seemingly tireless, she goes to battle. For women’s rights, the fate of refugees and the fate of apostate Muslims. Against Islamism, the radical right and segregation. The life of Maryam Namazie from Tehran is about to begin when Ayatollah Khomeini proclaims the Islamic Republic of Iran in 1979. To the horror of her parents, who realize they have no time to lose. The country in which they hoped to raise their thirteen-year-old daughter has...
Filed as: Media Coverage

October 13, 2021
‘Blasphemous’ Swedish Cartoonist Lars Vilks dies in a car crash, The Freethinker, 4 October 2021
Filed as: Media Coverage

September 29, 2021
Hold your breath! UK ex-Muslims to celebrate Blasphemy Day on September 30, Counterview, 29 September 2021
Filed as: Media Coverage

September 29, 2021
Blasphemy Day, The Pensive Quill, 29 September 2021
Filed as: Media Coverage

August 31, 2021
Filed as: Media Coverage

August 28, 2021
Carte blanche: liberté, dignité et fraternité pour l’Afghanistan, Le Soir, 28 August 2021 Nous, signataires de ce message de solidarité envers le peuple afghan, sommes, certes, contre toute ingérence d’un pays tiers, quelles que soient ses bonnes ou louables intentions, à l’intérieur d’une nation souveraine et indépendante. Nous sommes également, à l’inverse, pour l’autodétermination des peuples, leur autonomie comme leur liberté. Aussi, ce contre quoi nous nous insurgeons donc ici, est-ce, avant tout, la manière – la méthode –, improvisée et bâclée, dont l’Occident, les Etats-Unis d’Amérique en tête, mais aussi l’Union européenne, vient de quitter précipitamment, en ces deux...
Filed as: Media Coverage, Press Releases

August 25, 2021
Women Against Taliban, Frauen gegen Taliban, Hpd, 25 August 2021 With the takeover by the Taliban in Afghanistan, people around the world are fearing that the Taliban’s first victims will be millions of women. Only a few days has passed since the takeover by this reactionary force, and the Taliban leaders are already talking about ordering young girls into forced marriages, imprisoning women in their homes and imposing compulsory hijab and Islamic laws; and, wherever they have been able to, they have started attacking women and girls. We are not only deeply concerned about the safety, right to life and...
Filed as: Media Coverage, Press Releases