August 21, 2021
Announcing the first publication from Humanist Canada Press: This World First by Marc Schaus, Humanist Canada, 11 August 2021 In his latest book, research specialist Marc Schaus charts the progress of secular values occurring around the world. Schaus interviews over 25 prominent voices of international secular issues to discuss these questions. Among them, sociologist of secularism Phil Zuckerman, spokesperson for One Law for All, Fitnah (Movement for Women’s Liberation) and former host of acclaimed television program Bread and Roses Maryam Namazie, co-founder of Ex-Muslims of North America Sarah Haider, co-President of the Freedom From Religion Foundation Dan Barker, former Chief...
Filed as: Media Coverage

August 10, 2021
Kjenner du til disse kvinnene? De er vår tids feminister, Resett, 10 August 2021
Filed as: Media Coverage

August 6, 2021
Maryam Namazie talks early life, Iran, human rights, sexuality, women and more, XMuslimUK, 6 July 2021
Filed as: Featured, Homepage, Media Coverage

August 6, 2021
Turning students into weapons, The Critic, August-September 2021
Filed as: Media Coverage

July 1, 2021
The ex-Muslim movement seeks to challenge apostasy in Islam, Toronto Sun, 1 July 2021
Filed as: Media Coverage

May 25, 2021
Episode Three of ‘What’s The Chai?’ with Jimmy Bangash (Gay Ex-Muslim and Spokesperson for the Council of Ex-Muslims) and Khakan Qureshi (Gay Muslim and Founder of Birmingham South Asians LGBT- Finding A Voice) on Should you be Gay and Muslim? Watch it here.
Filed as: Media Coverage

May 20, 2021
TEDx’s DE-FACTO Blasphemy Law | Rationality Rules on Maryam Namazie’s censorship, 20 May 2021
Filed as: Featured, Homepage, Media Coverage

May 7, 2021
Maryam Namazie Interview, Lay Led Unions, 7 May 2021
Filed as: Media Coverage

May 4, 2021
Irrsinn in der Uno: Der Iran soll sich um Frauenrechte kümmern. Die Schweiz schweigt, Nebelspalter, 4 May 2021
Filed as: Media Coverage

April 27, 2021
When Women Leave Islam: With Maryam Namazie, Secular Jihadists, 27 April 2021
Filed as: Media Coverage, Press Releases