August 15, 2017
Number of Muslims becoming atheists growing in the Western world, Pravoslavie, 15 August 2017
Filed as: Media Coverage

August 15, 2017
Outrage as Columnist Compares ‘Ex-Muslims’ to Nazis, Albawaba, 15 August 2017
Filed as: Media Coverage

August 14, 2017
Open Letter to Pride London: Defend the Council of Ex-Muslims, Talk Radio, 14 August 2017
Filed as: Media Coverage

August 13, 2017
Former Muslims are told to shut up about their apostasy, The Freethinker, 13 August 2017
Filed as: Media Coverage

August 12, 2017
British ex-Muslims vow to ‘boldly’ challenge Islam over LGBT persecution, RT, 12 August 2017
Filed as: Media Coverage

August 11, 2017
Ex-Muslims clash with mosque over homophobia (Debate), RT, 11 August 2017
Filed as: Media Coverage

August 11, 2017
“I don’t want to die because I’m an atheist”: ex-Muslims speak out, Open Democracy, 11 August 2017
Filed as: Media Coverage

August 5, 2017
Hvad gør vi ved udfordringen i islam med at acceptere de frafaldne? Berlingske, 5 August 2017
Filed as: Media Coverage

August 3, 2017
Peter Tatchell: There is nothing insulting about saying Allah, Jesus, Moses or Buddha is gay, The Gay UK, 3 August 2017
Filed as: Media Coverage

August 3, 2017
Open Letter to Pride: Defend the Council of Ex-Muslims East London mosque has history of hosting homophobic hate preachers Dear Pride in London and Community Advisory Board, I write as one of the co-organisers of the UK’s first LGBT Pride in 1972, as a Patron of Pride in London and as a human rights campaigner for the last 50 years: I understand that complaints have been made against the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain (CEMB) by the East London mosque and others. The claim is that the CEMB’s placards at this year’s Pride parade on 8 July were “Islamophobic”. They...
Filed as: Media Coverage, Press Releases