October 16, 2022
Maryam Namazie and Nuriyah Khan Protest At Trafalgar Square, Sunday Scoop, 16 October 2022
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October 14, 2022
Interview with Maryam Namazie on topless protest at Cologne mosque, DW Persian, 14 October 2022
Filed as: Media Coverage

October 14, 2022
ما، زنان آزاده، از انقلاب زنانه‌ در ایران علیه جمهوری اسلامی و برای زن، زندگی، آزادی امروز در کلن اعتراض برهنه‌ داشتیم. بدن مان فولاد آبدیده شده علیه بیش از ۴۰ سال ضرب و شتم، تجاوز، سنگسار، شکنجه، اعدام، اسید پاشی، تبعیض، لکد مال شدن و خشونت است بدنمان اسلحه مان است برای رهایی و برابری. زنان آزاده، از انقلاب زنان ایران دفاع کنید. We, free women, are holding a topless protest today in Cologne for Iran’s women’s revolution against the Islamic regime and for women, life, freedom. Our bodies are valyrian steel against more than 40 years rape, stoning,...
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October 12, 2022
Solidarietà alle donne iraniane, Lecodelsud, 7 October 2022
Filed as: Media Coverage

October 11, 2022
Why secularism matters, Workers Liberty, 11 October 2022
Filed as: Media Coverage

October 9, 2022
Celebrare il dissenso, Nessun Dogma, 9 October 2022 Paolo Ferraini writes: The cover of Nessun Dogma, issue 5 (2022), features Maryam and Ensaf Haidar in one of the most touching moments of the march in support of Salman Rushdie and freedom of speech, within the context of Celebrating Dissent, the greatest international gathering of ex Muslims, held in Koln last August. This particular shot is so emotional because it captures, alongside the sadness of a family’s tragedy – Ensaf is the wife of Raif Badawi, who still can’t leave Saudi Arabia and join is family after serving ten years in...
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October 9, 2022
Interview with Maryam Namazie, Times Radio’s Sunday Morning, 9 October 2022
Filed as: Media Coverage

October 7, 2022
“Wir wollen keine islamische Republik”, HpD, 7 October 2022 A portrait of human rights activist Maryam Namazie “We don’t want an Islamic republic” Photo: © Ricarda Hinz According to representatives of the Islamic Republic of Iran, she is immoral, corrupt and a whore. Humanist organizations shower her with awards: Maryam Namazie, spokeswoman for the Central Council of Ex-Muslims in Great Britain . For years she has been fighting against Islamism and for women’s rights. In the ongoing protests in Iran, Namazie sees not just a women’s liberation movement, but a women’s revolution. Maryam Namazie writes about herself on her Twitter profile: “An Iranian-born author...
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October 6, 2022
Maryam Namazie on Iran’s women’s revolution, Talk TV, 6 October 2022
Filed as: Media Coverage, Press Releases

October 4, 2022
The Islamic regime will end with a woman’s revolution, DW Arabic, 4 October 2022
Filed as: Featured, Homepage, Media Coverage