CEMB members who publicly renounce Islam are but the tip of the iceberg. There are innumerable others who are unable to openly say they are atheists and agnostics. To apply for membership visit out Join Us Page

Displaying 101 - 150 of 2,066

 Country Name Statement

I dislike the ideologies in Islam; if one properly reads and analyses it, one quickly


I believe people should have a choice of what to believe although myself don\'t believe


I was raised in a Christian fundamentalist household to treat others not of my persuasion

Poone Ravi
Terry Mac

I don\'t know if it\'s allowed as I\'m not a Muslim, I was brought up

Peyman Satari
Tehfoor ul-islam

I was born in muslim family, and most of my life livedas normal muslim. I

Faisal Bashir

Dear sirs! to me religion doesn\'t make any sense. After going through all the myths


As a teacher I encounter young Asian people every day who are far removed from

Patty Debonitas

Please include a statement as to why you want to join and the significance of

Parsa Karimi

I am happy I can publicly renounce Islam. I despise its violations of innumerable rights

sumaira Naeem

I am an ex muslim and want join your organization for social support and meeting

Haider Saleem

I was scared originally to sign up to this, but after gaining confidence, I\'ve decided

Nina Tejani

A Wrong Turning Stick to the Straight and Narrow Chanted the Congregation. Don\'t even look

Anthony Burgher

Hope you understand. I cannot reveal my identity. I shall be jailed until \'repentance\' like

Azem Abudeib

I\'m Ex-Musilm and the reason that I\'m joining to share my opinion and my thought

Nima Kisomi

On the list of UK members. He is one of our initial members - wpi

Anonymous a poet from Iraq

I have been briefed on the founding statement of the Council of Ex-Muslims in Britain.

Syeda Batool

I born and brought up in cultural Muslim Asian family in Pakistan but since my

Bengal Moe

Well, I\'m 22, been apostised over 6 years ago. Ever since, I\'ve felt isolated, I

Nima Jam

It just doesn\'t make sense to me that there is a god, prophet, religion,heaven... They


i am an ex muslim i was born in pakistan but now i am in

Nasir Lahori

I\'m a 34 year old second generation British Pakistani. I lost faith in Islam around


The organisation will be a place to meet people who had the very same journey

Namdar Mohammadi
Mustafa Noor

I am 21 years old and I am the son of Muslim migrants, I have


Born in a practicing muslim family in Afghanistan.I was always open minded about raising logical

Said Mohamed

I\'m an ex Muslim who is now an atheist. I decided to join this organisation

Muriel Selltman

CEMB is at the forefront of today\'s struggle for individual freedom and against all those


Hi I hope you all doing great , am 31 years old from Somalia lived

Mukto Mona

I want to promote freethought in all communities esp. Muslim communities. I feel that Muslim

Md. Mohiuddin

I have studied last 5 years about different non-faith forums & councils.But i did not

Muhammad Younas

People r super power; they have right to decide about the future of human life.


I am an 18 years old who was born in muslim Arabian family in Yemen.


Council of Ex Muslims Britain suits me very much. as myself born Muslim & raised

Mohsin Khalid
Adil J Hussain

I am an Ex-Muslim and I believe that my voice and others alike should be

Mohsen Abdini

My first problem with Islam is the misogyny. The second is a seemingly uniform code

Mohammad Kuhsar Asadi
B. Z.

I am part of EXMNA, and I want to be part of another Ex muslim

Soheil vahdatpanah
Moham Engineer

Some years ago I suffered Islam; I was arrested for Blasphemy, then sentenced to death;

Farshaad Razmjouie

My name is Farshaad and I born in Iran, I never believe in god and


I\'m beginning to realise a lot of things about Islam and I was hoping to


Islam gets children to believe in it by scaring them. When you tell a little


My family always have known that i wasn\'t very muslim since hitting my early teens.

Mike Maybury

I am horrified that those who want to leave Islam are threatened with death in

 Country Name Statement