CEMB members who publicly renounce Islam are but the tip of the iceberg. There are innumerable others who are unable to openly say they are atheists and agnostics. To apply for membership visit out Join Us Page

Displaying 1,951 - 2,000 of 2,094

 Country Name Statement
Behruz Bahari
Basel Hafez

I have always craved for a platform to voice my views on religion as someone

Bahram Soroush
Bhavesh Patel

I would like to join ex-muslim council as I am an ex hindu and atheist


I renounced religion over a decade ago (I\'m 27), my position is absolute, I\'ve freed

David Brain

Faith and the sloppy self-indulgent thinking that goes along with it needs to be replaced

Christopher Walker

Support your cause and I\'m inspired by your courage. Keep up the good work!

Chris Lewis-Jones

I am a fine artist who explores evolving notions of cultural identity. I first became


I think it is important that all people no matter who they are or where

Bruce John

I am just a common or garden Atheist myself, [never signed up to any religion],


I have been living in Pakistan all my life. Living in a society of people


I\'m so glad that former muslims are having the courage to not only speak out

Ben Good

I\'ve always been atheist, and am compelled to join this particular organisation because of the

David Sullivan

I was dragged up as a catholic and from a very early age found that

David Moodie

I admire the group; it lets people know that apostates are welcome here. Also, I

Freed Ali

I wish to join because I am worried and angered by the state of affairs

Farzad Ahmadi

As a person who was brought up in a country under Islamic law and has


I believe in scientific and ethical facts and truths not the many sayings of the

Fariborz Pooya
Faranak Rezaei

I would like to join you because I consider Islamic law as unacceptable and contradicting

Fahad Qazi

Just wanted to be registered with the Council of Ex-Muslims

F. Rahman

Growing up as a Muslim I always felt that some of the religion\'s core beliefs

Hemin Sabir

I am from Iraq, born and raised in the Kurdish north (Kurdistan). I am not

Hashin Rasta

I am a former Muslim but I still have not told my family. I would

Hassan Radwan
Happy Humanist

Until recently my work involved considerable contact with members the major faith groups in London.

Hamid Jalilvand

God, prophet and religion are just tools to take advantage of people. I like to

Hadi Mahmoudi
Grant James

I am an atheist. My partner is from a Muslim family. The threats, intimidation, emotional

George Broadhead

I give CEMB my wholehearted support as a gay man who is appalled at Islamic

Frank Friedmann

I had the good fortune to be brought up without \'religion\' or \'faith\' (other than

Irim Sarwar

I was born in Washington, D.C. into a Pakistani Muslim family - much as I\'m


I am an Egyptian lady and have experienced the harsh Sharia law in child custody,

Hussein Safa

I admire all of you for coming out in public about being an ex-Muslim. I

Howard Thorp

I am an atheist who believes in human rights and social justice. I believe we

Hossain Tohi

I would very much like to submit my name as an ex-Muslim to your organisation;

Henry Page

I would like to join because I am an ex-Muslim, an apostate. I didn\'t know

Javad Riahi
Jash Hey

To meet like minded souls.

James O'Brien

I am a Christian atheist which is not a contradiction in > terms. I am

James Higgs

The culture of Islam is vastly inferior to that of anyone raised unto traditional Western

Jamie Al-Nasir

My name is Jamie, 28 years old, and raised in London by an English Christian

Jalil Jalili
J. Ahmad

I am interested to join the CEMB as I was born and raised as a


The reason I wish to the join the council of ex-Muslims is that it\'s about


Because my Moroccan husband is incredibly moderate and ordinarily intelligent, but still won\'t hear any

 Country Name Statement