CEMB members who publicly renounce Islam are but the tip of the iceberg. There are innumerable others who are unable to openly say they are atheists and agnostics. To apply for membership visit out Join Us Page

Displaying 1,201 - 1,250 of 2,066

 Country Name Statement

I used to be a Muslim but I am an Atheist now. I am a

Irangol pesar

To be contacted with other atheists and agnostics , and know their opinions... I'm so

IranSoheil Safikhani

after i started to feel skeptical when i turned 14 i slowly gave up my

Iransaeed javanmardi

I am a PhD student at Federico II university, Naples, Italy. I used to be

IranKaty Kiani

I want to join in your organization because of the situation that Iranian women have.

Iranmahshad kherad

چه چیزی جز اینکه من زنم... با هر عنوانی که خطاب شوم،چه دختر،چه مادر،خواهر یا

Iranmahshad kherad

چه چیزی جز اینکه من زنم... با هر عنوانی که خطاب شوم،چه دختر،چه مادر،خواهر یا

Iranmahshad kherad

چه چیزی جز اینکه من زنم... با هر عنوانی که خطاب شوم،چه دختر،چه مادر،خواهر یا

IranFarzad Hosseini

?\"It is gonna be the time for God of Religions to be judged because of

Iranmahshad kherad

I am a 37 year old Ex-Muslims woman. I am a graduate of law. I

IranHoomon Mehr Ara

I'm happy to say I'm an Ex Muslim and a free thinker. I believe Islam

IranMahmood Mohammadi

من مطالب سایت شما رو خوندم وبه این مطالب مدتهاست فکر میکنم ولی منبعی نداشتم

IranRahman Taghavi Rad

I am a teacher. I found the discussions of the organization useful.

Iranmahmoud behrouzi

I become free of Islam string. I am a free human now. I want to

IranAbas Arya
IranReza Farhadi

Please include a statement as to why you want to join and the significance of

IranMohammad Zarei

Hi. I'm Mohammad zarei and I was Shia muslim but I couldn't accept some commonds

Iranshahab moazenzadeh

Left Islam 10 years ago , never looked back


I\'m a 25 years old Iranian student. I decided to comprehend Islam basically. when I

IranAdel Askari Moradaali

I am a simple teacher and I have been teaching for almost 10 years ,I

IranBaharak Pezhmanfar

I would like to read and learn more about the problems that people following their

IranHossein Ghafelehbashi

I'm an Exmuslim atheist advocating apostacy rights and freedom of speech in Iran https://persian-exmuslim.blogspot.com/


I\'m from Iran. Thank you for creating this great community. If I can exit Iran


no to Islam, no to Religious Facshism, no to Islamic regime.

IranSheyda Sheyda

I was born as Muslim ,my parents are religious. I don’t like shariah low for

IranSasan AA

If people could think clearly and without prejudice, it would take no more than half

IranSheyda Sheyda

I was born as Muslim ,my parents are religious. I don’t like shariah low for

IranSheyda Sheyda j

I was born as Muslim ,my parents are religious. I don’t like shariah low for

IranSheyda Jahan

I was born as Muslim ,my parents are religious. I don’t like shariah low for

IranAykhan Jahangirzada

I'm very sorry, but it's dangerous for me to say or write about the My

IranAmeneh Noruzi

Please include a statement as to why you want to join and the significance of

IranM Nasim

من اینجا بس دلم تنگ است و هر سازی که می بینم بدآهنگ است... اینجا

IranMahzad Kherad

I live under an islamic regime in Iran. I believe in logic. Got sick of

Iranmahnaz hadaegh poor

I'm an ex muslim because Islam isn't my choice it's my parents' choice...

Iranmahnaz hadaeghpoor

Please include a statement as to why you want to join and the significance of

Iranmahnaz hadaeghpoor

Please include a statement as to why you want to join and the significance of

IranMasi Ha

به نظر من هیچ خدایی وجود نداره ، و من به هیچ دینی معتقد نیستم


I think I must be free. I don\'t believe in Islam or any other religion.


No Islamists, No Execution, No facshim.

IndonesiaDiyah Widyaningrum

I am an agnostic leaning toward atheism. I started doubting Muslim believe since I was

IndonesiaAxsel Darmawan

it is hoped that by entering this group I can share the opinions of ex

IndonesiaJames Rheza Siregar

My name is Rheza Siregar, and I carried my British name James. But I'm Indonesian

IndonesiaDjoke nuor hidayat

Good Morning, Let me introduce myself, my name is Djoke (not my real name, that's

IndonesiaAyarza Dinardi Atkins

I have been without my religion since I was around 18 years old. I have

Indonesiafreddy antono

I want to join due to i am ex muslim

IndonesiaElle Bloom

Living a double life

IndonesiaAulia SA

Indonesia secularism is in the edge of extinction. The radical and fundamentalist muslim just won


Hai, I\'m from Indonesia. I\'ve just renounced my muslim identity about 5 months ago. Now

IndonesiaStephen Riady

I want to get rid broken heart feel from any religious activity

 Country Name Statement