December 12, 2019
By Hassan Radwan I’m frequently approached online by those who have lost their faith and a question that almost always crops up in various forms is: How do you cope without religion? For those of us for whom religion gave them their meaning, comfort & guide in life’s ups and downs, loss of faith is a deeply distressing & terrifying feeling. So I want to share some thoughts that might help. Don’t panic. It’s OK to not have the answers to everything. Don’t feel you need to rush to fill the space religion had in your life. Take your time...
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November 27, 2019
The hijab: “preventing common impositions” was published in Workers Liberty Solidarity in defence of banning child veiling on 27 November 2019. Maryam Namazie is an activist with the Council of Ex-Muslims and other secularist groups. On the issue of child veiling, a state ban on conspicuous religious symbols for children is an important defence of children’s rights. Children are not parental property Children are not the property of their parents. They are individuals with rights and bodily integrity. And just because their parents believe in child veiling or FGM and male circumcision doesn’t mean they should be automatically entitled to...
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July 5, 2017
‘Criticism of Islam or Islamism is not anti-Muslim bigotry’, The Freethinker, 15 July 2017
Filed as: Media Coverage, Resources

May 24, 2017
Our spokesperson, Maryam Namazie, was invited by Dabran Platform to speak at the Founding Congress of Enlightenment Feminism in Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan (photos below). She spoke about Islam and Islamism as the greatest stumbling blocks for women’s emancipation and how Islamists target women and girls first – whether in Tehran, Peshawar or Manchester. Here’s her speech: Islam and Islamism – the greatest stumbling blocks in the way of women’s emancipation* (Suffragette Elizabeth Cady Stanton said: “The Bible and the Church have been the greatest stumbling blocks in the way of women’s emancipation.”) Maryam Namazie The First Enlightenment Feminism Congress, Sulaymaniyah It’s such...
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December 2, 2016
The below was published in The Freethinker. I gave oral evidence at the Home Affairs Select Committee evidence session on Sharia Councils on November 1 on why Sharia courts in Britain are an Islamist project to control women, are discriminatory and should be dismantled. (This was preceded by a written statement.) When questioned by MP Naz Shah, above, though, one would have thought it was I and not Sharia courts that were under investigation.  She said: But Ms Namazie, according to your blog, which I read earlier, this isn’t just about Sharia courts. If we were to look at implementing...
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January 26, 2016
A CASE STUDY OF ISLAMISM ON CAMPUS: UNIVERSITY OF DUBLIN, GOLDSMITHS, AND UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK The Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain (CEMB) has today published a case study on the Islamic Societies at Trinity College Dublin, Warwick University and Goldsmiths University where attempts were made to restrict or bar our spokesperson Maryam Namazie from speaking in 2015. The case study shows that the Islamic Societies at the three universities in question are clearly promoting Islamist values through hate preachers who condone Sharia Law, Islamic states, and the death penalty for apostasy. The recent attempts at censorship on university campuses is...
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May 19, 2014
A new report from the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain “Evangelising Hate” exposes the Islamic Education and Research Academy (iERA) as a Hate Group. You can read the report here. Whilst iERA purports to be a missionary-like charitable organisation, it is in fact a “soft Islamist” group, which acts as the Islamist movement’s public relations arm by promoting and normalising Islamist values and norms, including inciting hatred against ex-Muslims, gays, Jews, women, non Muslims and a majority of Muslims who do not share their values. In Britain and the west, groups like iERA use multiculturalism (as a social policy that...
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November 25, 2013
The Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain has updated its new report on the Political and Legal Status of Apostates in Islam in 2017. The report examines sources for laws that prohibit apostasy from Islam, reviews legislation and government policies in various countries that persecute apostates and blasphemers, and highlights the cases of some of the many persecuted individuals, with a focus on atheists, secularists and freethinkers. You can read it here.
Filed as: Press Releases, Resources

March 19, 2013
Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain unequivocally opposes the far-Right, including groups like the British National Party, English Defence League, and Stop Islamisation of Europe. We fully support the findings of a One Law for All report called Enemies not Allies: The Far Right which gives evidence on why opponents of Sharia, apostasy laws and Islamism must also oppose the far-Right. With Islamism being a far-Right movement, they are two sides of the same coin.
Filed as: Press Releases, Resources

March 16, 2013

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