International Conference Celebrating Laicite Paris City Hall, 8-9 December 2023 For civil states free from the tutelage of religion, we demand Laïcite as a human right and a step towards peace in the world. Celebrating…
By Counselling Psychologist Dr Savin Bapir Tardy This report delves into the dynamics and experiences of participants in three monthly support groups. The support groups cater to individuals who have left Islam and are grappling…
Conférence internationale, Agenda Militant, 30 October 2023
Where’s the solidarity with women of Iran? The Times, 30 October 2023
Apostasy Day is on Aug 22nd and this year we celebrated it with #ApostasyDayDoodles. You can find the video and pictures for Apostasy Day 2023 by searching the #ApostasyDayDoodle. Apostasy is the abandonment or renunciation…