Maryam Namazie: de europeiska ex-muslimernas gudlösa gudmor, Humanisten, December 2024
At least five people, including a child, were killed, and 200 others were injured when Taleb Al Abdulmohsen deliberately drove into the Magdeburg Christmas Market on December 20. Abdulmohsen, a Saudi-born doctor and self-proclaimed ex-Muslim…
On #HumanRightsDay2024 we rage against #SexApartheid #GenderApartheid in #Iran #Afghanistan Segregation based on sex like that based on race is humiliating. It’s dehumanising. It kills. It is a crime against humanity. #SexApartheidKills #SexApartheidHumiliates
By Dr Savin Bapir-Tardy Leaving Islam, or any high-control group, is a deeply personal and often life-altering decision. It involves stepping away not only from a belief system but also from relationships and communities that…
Apostophobia, or the fear, hatred, discomfort with, hostility towards, or discrimination against apostates, is rampant in Muslim families and Islamic states because apostasy is a forbidden and punishable…