Do Justice and Let the Sky Fall, News Intervention, 5 February 2021
Lost and found, sister-hood, 1 February 2021 Women Leaving Islam follows six young women’s trajectories out of the faith of their parents. Despite often highly traumatic stories, these young women are composed and articulate, and despite…
World Hijab Day, la sfida delle femministe al velo islamico e alla sua celebrazione,, 29 January 2021 Il 1 febbraio 2013 Nazma Khan, statunitense originaria del Bangladesh, lanciava il World Hijab Day, iniziativa dai…
Women Leaving Islam, a new film by the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain, premieres on 1 February at 6pm UK time as a challenge to #WorldHijabDay and religious modesty rules. You can watch the film…
On Zara Kay, News Intervention, 27 January 2021