February 27, 2021
Prey, review by Maryam Namazie, Evening Standard, 27 February 2021 In her new book , the Somali-born critic of Islam appears more concerned with defending the criminalisation of migration than finding solutions to end the rise in sexual violence against women in the UK and Europe, says Maryam Namazie Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a Somali-born critic of Islam and Islamism. In 2004, she became known internationally after Dutch director Theo van Gogh was murdered for a short film she had written called Submission on women’s subservient status in Islam. The Islamist who murdered him, threatened that she would be next....
Filed as: Media Coverage, Press Releases

February 25, 2021
Interview with Maryam Namazie, Humanistically Speaking, 25 February 2021
Filed as: Media Coverage

February 17, 2021
In Defence of French Secularism: Maryam Namazie, Byline TV, 16 February 2021
Filed as: Media Coverage

February 10, 2021
Break the silence! Eurozine, 10 February 2021
Filed as: Media Coverage

February 9, 2021
Women Leaving Islam: Stories of Courage and Change (with Maryam Namazie), The Thinking Atheist, 9 February 2021
Filed as: Featured, Homepage, Media Coverage

February 9, 2021
Can you be open with your family if you have doubts about your religion? Asian Network’s Big Debate, 9 February 2021 With CEMB’s Ali Malik Listen to the full programme here.
Filed as: Media Coverage

February 6, 2021
Maryam Namazie, Human Rights Activist, Meenal’s World, 6 February 2021 Maryam’s work has focused on human rights violations against refugees, and has actively campaigned against sharia law. Maryam became well known for her critique of the treatment of women under Islamic regimes. We talk about her family history and her views on the right to speak up and appreciating the freedom we have in the west to voice our opinion. This episode is much more than Maryam the activist, she tells me about her childhood, and the future she wants to create for all the young girls who will follow...
Filed as: Media Coverage

February 5, 2021
Do Justice and Let the Sky Fall, News Intervention, 5 February 2021
Filed as: Media Coverage

February 1, 2021
Lost and found, sister-hood, 1 February 2021 Women Leaving Islam follows six young women’s trajectories out of the faith of their parents. Despite often highly traumatic stories, these young women are composed and articulate, and despite facing pushback for leaving Islam, from ostracisation to violence, they all have the sense of finding peace and a new sense of purpose after leaving the faith, despite the personal costs in terms of rejection by their family and community, the risks they face as apostates and constant harassment. Youtuber ‘Mimzy Vidz’ describes her growing discomfort with her family’s religion, despite having positioned herself as...
Filed as: Media Coverage

January 29, 2021
World Hijab Day, la sfida delle femministe al velo islamico e alla sua celebrazione, ilFattoQuotidiano.it, 29 January 2021 Il 1 febbraio 2013 Nazma Khan, statunitense originaria del Bangladesh, lanciava il World Hijab Day, iniziativa dai tratti ambigui supportata dalle frange più tradizionaliste delle comunità islamiche, nella quale si afferma una sorta di orgoglio dell’indossare il velo o le altre più pesanti coperture del corpo delle donne nel nome della libertà religiosa, un messaggio rivolto in particolare ai paesi europei, come la Francia, che non adottano politiche multiculturali, diffuse invece in Gran Bretagna e Germania. In occasione dell’istituzione della giornata Ali...
Filed as: Media Coverage